Every government, every authority,
every coalition that holds power is concerned with one thing only: with the
protection of Status Quo.
Change, the essence of life, is the anathema to all people
who hold power. This applies to civil, military and ecclesiastic governments,
scientific bodies, and any group whose welfare is defined not by what they do,
but by what has already been done.
In spite of that, there is something in the universe that
calls for change. This is, of course, the attribute of phenomenal reality only.
We can observe the desire for the state of balance in
political formations. Democrats, (in England Socialists) originating for the
Greek demos, meaning people, want change in order to improve their lot.
Republicans, (elsewhere are called Conservatives), wish to conserve that which
they have, usually earned by their forefathers. They hate change as a harbinger
of the unknown. They recognize only status quo as good as it protects their
gains. While this is by no means a sine qua non condition, in general terms
members of the two virtually opposing groups adhere to those general
principles. Hence, in an ideal world, the president as well as the judiciary,
must always be independent of any party influences.
Alas, we do not live in an ideal world.
Nevertheless, all groups consist of individuals, aspiring to
power. Yet we should not regard gods as sources of all good, but merely as
sources from which ALL originates. Once we, humans, or any other intelligent
creatures, rise to the status of gods, this illustrious height will not make us
good or bad. Remember the story of Satan? Which way we sway will forever remain
up to us. The one consolation is that the inimitable Law of Karma will
invariably tend to restore the condition of balance. Hence we shall all pay the
piper at our appointed time. Good or bad, the balance will be restored. The
dictators will be executed, gods crucified. And we, as always will remain to
fend for ourselves.
There is a misconception about what is regarded as God or
godly. Divinity is power and nothing but power. Power to maintain what is which
translates into the ability to maintain balance. People don’t wield power.
Power uses people to maintain Status Quo.
In practical terms, for many years the US maintained balance
between the two opposing forces. The dark force led them to wars, and the force
of light inspired them to extend their extreme generosity to others. If they
lose the capacity to maintain this balance, their world hegemony will collapse
like a house of cards. There are signs on the horizon that danger is lurking.
One man managed to balance great power with great compassion. He was
quite unique. Yet he, too, died to restore the balance—that his joy might
remain within us, and that it might be complete.
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