Thursday, 27 March 2014

We are both, more and less than we imagine.

Man, in his infinite pride, is exemplified by the myth of Satan. He dared to personify Universal Consciousness in their own image and likeness.
Not so. Physically, we are no more than instruments through which the process of Becoming is experienced by the singularity of Being.

Every man/woman “is given” according to his or her ability to receive. The statement that all men are born equal is total nonsense. The equipment we inherit at birth may be similar, but the tasks set by Consciousness that incarnates within us is always completely different. It is this very diversity that adds up to the gamut of Universal Consciousness. And that only if we include in this equation every living entity, human or otherwise, equipped with self-awareness. This includes all living creatures, including countless ‘aliens’, experiencing their becoming on countless planets, or other planes, or perhaps other rarified habitats.
However, it is only when the recipient of the ‘workings’ of Universal Consciousness becomes aware of this astounding gift, that such an entity, as you or I, can, in time, exercise virtually all the attributes, or characteristics, of the totality of Consciousness. In other words, a fraction of The Whole carries and is capable of manifesting the totality of The Whole.

What this means is that the Creative Force appears to choose everything, every means, through which It can experience the Process of Becoming, which we call life. This includes every entity capable of manifesting change. The awareness of this process is a different story. As mentioned, everyone “is given” according to his or her capacity to receive. And this is where ‘freewill’ comes in.
Actually, our concept of freewill is a misnomer.
We can cooperate with the Universal Consciousness, or oppose it. We can endeavor to become one with IT, or separate ourselves from IT and lose all. Our choice.
Echoes of “thy will be done…”

But we must never forget that life is defined by constant, ongoing change. Nothing static ever qualifies to be called life. On the other hand even rocks, solid stone, manifests half-life. It is constantly in some sort of movement, even as the electrons whirling within its atomic, seemingly vacuous, structure. If we try to hold on to anything, anything at all that is transient, we are destined to be disappointed. In fact, it is not possible. We, the real we, the I AM, are only visitors on Earth. We are hobos on an infinite trek across countless universes. ‘Death’ only occurs when we vacate our bodies. It is simply a gradual reversal to stasis, dissolution, regrouping, while the consciousness continues forever. But only if we think of ourselves as immortals I AMs. As states of consciousness.
Hence, immortality is really our choice…

Long ago, two men struggled between their immortal and their transient nature. Their names were Peter and Paul. Ultimately, they both succeeded in discovering the truth. I hope, we all shall, too. 

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Saturday, 22 March 2014

Buddha’s Secret

When we say that God is good, we must ask, “good for you or for me?” Will He provide me with good more so than you? Or perhaps He/She is good only for my sworn enemy? His God or my God?
Or is a good God, an Entity created out of our need?
Those of us who pray do not ask for blessings for our enemies in preference to our own. And anyway, the prayer is academic. God being ubiquitous, He/She is within us. Within you and me. And also being ubiquitous, we, all of us, are by definition within God. It seems like an equitable arrangement. But, of course, there are consequences.
And this is Buddha’s secret.
Ubiquity precludes separation of us from god. The two are one. We are little more than instruments though which the Omnipresent Consciousness, God if you like, experiences the process of becoming. It is the means through which that which IS partakes in Becoming. Becoming is the process of change, of translating the potential into the manifested, which we know as life. Being is static, eternal, unchangeable, omnipresent and omniscient. Everything already exists in its potential form. We are the means through which it becomes manifested, and then preserved in the storehouse of memories. That storehouse we call heaven.
Think of a book that exists, in all its details and development within your head. One day you sit down and start writing. And then, some day later, lo and behold, a book is born. You are the creator that translated elusive ideas—which became thoughts—into words, which in turn became electronic impulses or little squiggles on paper. You converted the individual potential into manifestation that can be shared with others. That which was subjective became objective.

Being and Becoming—the two faces of God.
We are the indivisible components of God’s nature. We are the Becoming.
Within or without, nothing exists outside those two forms. Nothing exists outside “God”, which henceforth is neither good nor bad by human standards. It is only perfect in its potential form. In becoming it can always improve. Forever.

Hence the secret of Buddha.
It must have flooded his consciousness with peace beyond human understanding. Yeshûa discovered it too. He discovered the complete and utter inseparability of “man” from “God”. In fact, Yeshûa realized that he and his father are one. In different forms, but inseparable, One. As are we all.
Now, if we could only stop thinking of God as a glorified human being, an entity displaying our image and likeness, and accept the concept as omnipresent Consciousness endowed with infinite potential, in which we can participate by an act of our will, we’d have it made. We’d become filled with peace, with joy, with utter faith in the true indestructibility of our real Self; of that aspect of our consciousness that is immortal, eternal, inseparable from the Source of all life.
It is a very, very good feeling. 

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Monday, 17 March 2014

The Two-edged Sword

We have been sitting on the grass, watching a filigree of light and shadow flirting with the treetops. It was nearing sunset.
“Who fights with the sword, dies by the sword,” said one of my friends.
I smiled. They didn’t have weapons of mass destruction in biblical days. The phrase is only a symbolic expression of the complexities of cause and effect. Of the long arm of the universal Law of Karma.
“We spend as much on the sword than the next 13 nations put together,” George wailed. “Soon those 13 nations will turn against us…”
I had to cheer them up.
“That’s not how it works,” I began, “otherwise such action would be a paramount cause to committing suicide. No that’s not how it works…”
They were all looking at me.
“No one is going to outspend you, or even turn their arms in your direction. You and you alone will bear the burden of your karma. It cannot be otherwise.”
I looked at my friends. They all looked worried but more so, they looked lost. How could I tell them the truth?
“Not a shot will be fired, at least not against you.” I could add that they will continue to do most of the firing but they were sufficiently depressed already.
“No,” I began again.
How could I tell them that by spending all the money on weapons of mass destruction there would be no money left for the infrastructure? For the roads and bridges that were beginning to crumble? For the education was already beginning lag behind the rest of the world? The killing of others would simply result in their next incarnation being on the receiving end, yet for the masses, the national Karma would be taken care of within the country. Within this glorious country build with such incredible effort by their fathers and grandfathers. How could I tell them that?
“Don’t worry,” I told them. Worry…”
“…gets you nowhere at all?” George quipped.
“Worry will not solve the problems. Do the best you can and I assure you, not one of you will suffer the consequences that you haven’t earned.” I looked around at the small gathering. “Now that doesn’t worry you, does it?”
The faces facing me were only partially reassured. They were all good people. Like their fathers and grandfathers. And mothers and grandmas. Pity about the others, I thought. Great power carries great responsibilities. It is not easy being a god. Large or small. Divinity is hard. Hard on your present and hard on your future. Sometimes it is better to be among the many than among the few. And to live in the present.
Just then the sun dipped behind the trees and we were all surrounded with darkness. Except for the light within.

Sometimes we have to walk through walls to find our way. So did the protagonists in my novel, book one of the Aquarius Trilogy. We might have to do so also. 

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Thursday, 13 March 2014

Status Quo

Every government, every authority, every coalition that holds power is concerned with one thing only: with the protection of Status Quo.
Change, the essence of life, is the anathema to all people who hold power. This applies to civil, military and ecclesiastic governments, scientific bodies, and any group whose welfare is defined not by what they do, but by what has already been done.
In spite of that, there is something in the universe that calls for change. This is, of course, the attribute of phenomenal reality only.
We can observe the desire for the state of balance in political formations. Democrats, (in England Socialists) originating for the Greek demos, meaning people, want change in order to improve their lot. Republicans, (elsewhere are called Conservatives), wish to conserve that which they have, usually earned by their forefathers. They hate change as a harbinger of the unknown. They recognize only status quo as good as it protects their gains. While this is by no means a sine qua non condition, in general terms members of the two virtually opposing groups adhere to those general principles. Hence, in an ideal world, the president as well as the judiciary, must always be independent of any party influences.
Alas, we do not live in an ideal world.
Nevertheless, all groups consist of individuals, aspiring to power. Yet we should not regard gods as sources of all good, but merely as sources from which ALL originates. Once we, humans, or any other intelligent creatures, rise to the status of gods, this illustrious height will not make us good or bad. Remember the story of Satan? Which way we sway will forever remain up to us. The one consolation is that the inimitable Law of Karma will invariably tend to restore the condition of balance. Hence we shall all pay the piper at our appointed time. Good or bad, the balance will be restored. The dictators will be executed, gods crucified. And we, as always will remain to fend for ourselves.

There is a misconception about what is regarded as God or godly. Divinity is power and nothing but power. Power to maintain what is which translates into the ability to maintain balance. People don’t wield power. Power uses people to maintain Status Quo.
In practical terms, for many years the US maintained balance between the two opposing forces. The dark force led them to wars, and the force of light inspired them to extend their extreme generosity to others. If they lose the capacity to maintain this balance, their world hegemony will collapse like a house of cards. There are signs on the horizon that danger is lurking.

One man managed to balance great power with great compassion. He was quite unique. Yet he, too, died to restore the balance—that his joy might remain within us, and that it might be complete. 

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Friday, 7 March 2014

The Mystery of Dualism

It took us almost three days to get here, to Naples, in South Florida. There was one particular thing that struck me. The landscaping on most of the highways in the Good Old US of A displayed more beauty, indeed more love and affection towards nature, than I saw in most of the parks I visited in Canada.
For most of the way, it seemed like heaven on earth.
And yet there is a mystery to our phenomenal reality. It is built and sustained only on and by the state of balance. Every beauty is balanced by its absence, every achievement by apparent failure. It seems unfair yet…
Such is the reality of those who choose to live in a world that is perceived by senses. Nothing can be bitter unless it is related to sweetness. Nothing is tall unless compared to short, nothing good unless there is some bad to juxtapose it with a gentle touch of karma. The consolation is that there is no evil without some good hidden behind it vacant face, yet nothing is so good and not exhibiting some weakness as compared to what it could be.
We live in a world of contrasts, of opposing forces, or judgmental dictates of our senses. Indeed, we should not judge as the truth is usually hidden.

This apparent discomfort of duality permeates all walks of life, all fields of endeavour, all professions, trades, aspirations of individual people. This has been known for thousands of years. Two millennia ago a man called Yeshûa said, “Don’t call me good, only my father is good and he is in heaven.” If a man, whom many recognize as Son of God, had said that, how can we assign such a quality to anything in our reality? We can all put our own interpretation on Yeshûa’s words, though the essence of the statement is evident. One cannot be only good or only bad in a reality that is characterized by inherent duality. Without even a nominal balance, the duality would collapse upon itself. A state of balance, alone, can give us an impression of goodness.
The Middle Path.
The Straight and Narrow.
Yes, the inherent sate of balance. That’s what divinity is all about. Men of great power are almost invariably balanced by an equal and opposite condition of corruption. Unless they are filled with compassion. After all, the opposite of power is love. Without love to balance power, corruption is bound to set in.
Sadly, only non-physical reality can be incorruptible. Only that which is not of flesh and bones. The consolation is that we are all, here, on Earth, no more than passers by.
Whatever we perceive by our senses is obscured by delusions. In fact, we must often close our eyes to see more clearly. I discussed the inevitable dilemmas in a little book offered below. I also try to show how we can remove the veil of illusion from our eyes. Let me know what you think. 

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