Monday, 25 December 2017

ENIGMA of the Second Coming.

Very Merry Christmas to you all. 

People have a strange tendency to reduce everything to the level of their shallow understanding. Hence, we have preschool, primary school, secondary school and universities. If ratio hasn’t changed since 2010, of the 7.6 billion people only 6.7% have a college degree.
On the other hand, Albert Einstein made it clear that education begins when you forget everything you learned in school. Everything ingrained in your subconscious.
Hence, 93.3% of people have a head start.
Admittedly, they did not gain the advantage of having their gray cells subjected to rigorous training. On the other hand, they do not have to give up the acquired knowledge still lingering on the periphery of their consciousness, blocking access to the ‘unknown’.
Why should we forego the past?
Because in school they can only teach us what is already known. Stale, old, knowledge moldy with age. Yet the only knowledge they had been taught to rely on. On the other hand, learning from within, we cross new ground. Our imagination can take us beyond any knowledge already recorded. We can reach far, far beyond everything that is part of any curriculum in any high school or university. We must retain the technique of learning, but forego the theoretical substance. As Johann Sebastian Bach once said, “technique, technique, and technique, and then forget about it and… just play.” Just listen. Just learn. Just meet the knowledge within.

Genius manifests always from within.

But to achieve this, we must be willing to forget the past. To swim against the current of the so-called establishment. We cannot put “new wine into old skins.” What is even more difficult, we must be willing to discard recognition, fame, titles, and blaze a new trail.

To do that, we must start anew.

Start anew. Daily. To be prepared at all times, day and night, to accept new ideas making their way from the unconscious to the periphery of our consciousness. This alone crosses new ground. It initiates the process of converting potential into manifestation. Of converting an idea into the phenomenal reality.
To some of us, the “second coming” happens almost daily. A new idea, a new concept, awareness, an image, an ephemeral hypothesis, a transient postulation, can spring us along a road less travelled.
Artists are well acquainted with this.
Scientists less so.
The scientists are trained to guard, jealously, the knowledge they already possess. They accept the new ground, but only if it doesn’t contradict what they already think they know.

Second Coming is always from within.

It happens only to the Few. Once we learn to accept new knowledge from within, we begin to draw on infinite potential welling within us. The comings from within become a way of life. We rejoice in crossing new horizons.
Won’t you join us?
Each time we wake up in the morning, all of  us emerge from active periods spent in the reality of our subconscious. We call them dreams, yet they are no less real than anything we experience in a waken state. What is different is the rate of vibrations. We visit the antechamber of Heaven.

We are born again. Daily. 

Monday, 18 December 2017

YESHÛA —The Quintessential Atheist

We all know that atheists do not believe in God. They accept that the Universe happened by accident. That evolution is but a natural expression of Nature, which, although almighty, is not God. In fact they believe in science, as though it were God, though they are well aware that, over the years, the scientists have been proven wrong again and again.
Some… still believe in Flat Earth.*
And then there are the Scientific Laws which no one can deny, at least not until they are proven scientifically wrong. The scientists consistently confuse laws with theories, hence their laws are equally as transient as their theories.

Yeshûa, better known as Jesus, wasn’t like that. He did not believe in anything tangible, anything permanent, other than the Spirit, which, it seems, in his vernacular meant the omnipresent wondrous, unexplainable, almighty Consciousness. He didn’t refer to it as God, or even god with a small ‘g’, but as his father.
Because he was well aware that everything tangible is transient, malleable, in a way, not real.
The only reality he recognized as real was the Sprit.
The same spirit which we now recognize as the amorphous omnipresent energy which is the source of all transient realities.
The Omnipresent, Amorphous, Energy.
Energy that, according to Einstein, is indestructible.

Yeshûa knew that he was born of this omnipresent amorphous energy. Indeed, as we all are. There is no other source. He also knew that if he connected, consciously with this energy, he could channel it to perform creative acts incomprehensible to other people. He could change its rate of vibration, hence nature.
Furthermore, Yeshûa recognized that while his physical body is transient, the consciousness, the individualized consciousness that resides within it, is not. In fact it is one and the same, and inseparable, from the omnipresent Consciousness which individualized Itself in and through him.
No room for any type of God in such philosophy. The Amorphous Energy of Consciousness already was omnipresent, eternal hence immortal, and of infinite potential.

And now, some two thousand years later, a bunch of very learned, very famous, educated scientists came to the conclusion that… all is energy.

The Omnipresent, Amorphous, Energy? 

Energy which, nevertheless, by changing its rate of vibrations, can change its nature, its character, its density, so much so that it becomes perceptible to our primitive senses.
Why primitive?

This Amorphous Energy has neither beginning nor is likely to have an end. It, again according to Einstein, is Eternal. Hence we, the instruments through which it manifests are in a constant condition of movement, or growth, hopefully evolution, hence whatever level we reached today it is but puerile compared to what we shall become millions of years from now.
Being never changes. Becoming is ever-changing. Yeshûa managed to unite the Two. The potential is within us all. Good luck. 

Personal Memoir of the
Missing Years of Jesus

Monday, 11 December 2017


Life is a strange paradox. Purportedly, a Great, Infinitely Benevolent Being is looking after us all, yet… bad things happen.
Fancy that!
It turns out that all the unpleasant, taxing, or downright horrible things that happened in my life, often a number of years ago, turned out to have been for my own good. Some were details of everyday life, some more serious affairs, requiring years to prove their efficacy. But all of them, all the events, the trials or tribulations, invariably turned out for my benefit.
Eventually, it came to me that, as we are the instruments through which the Creative Energy finds Its manifestation, it stands to reason that It would seek to form the best possible means for self-expression.
One might think, sardonically, that the Universal Source is the epitome of selfishness. As I equate the Universal Source with what others call (and worship as) God, this puts me at odds with all religions.
Particularly because of one thing.
My “God” recognizes neither good nor evil. The only thing that counts is the ability and opportunity to advance the diversity of Creation. The stasis of Being (the Potential) cares only about the dynamic of Becoming.
All else are just the means.
Becoming does, however, contribute to the totality of what we can experience in our personal ‘heavens’, i.e. periods between reincarnations.
All past is stored in the Subconscious.
Be it Heaven or Hell.
Ah yes…
We do create our own Heavens or Hells!
And all other states of consciousness. Though those, too, are transient. Only the Amorphous Creative Energy in indestructible.

So why Secular Ethics?
Nature seems to have reached its exorbitant if prodigious redundancy with human semen. An average ejaculation furnishes about 250 million sperm. A single  one suffices to impregnate an egg.
But there, the overindulgence of nature, of the prolific excess, ends abruptly. The moment the egg is impregnated, the Creative Energy sets about producing a biological robot equipped with artificial intelligence sufficient to fulfill Its purpose.
And this is the punch line.
Every single one of us is given a unique body best suited to fulfill a specific task while occupying it. The body is tailor made, assuring physical, emotional, and mental uniqueness.
Among the 7.5 billion people on earth, that are no two of us alike. Even twins vary considerably.
Hence, we all must make sure that we discover our purpose, our dharma. Until we do, we shall continue to waste our superb, absolutely unique biological structures, designed to perform the task or tasks, which are indispensible to create diversity, and/or maintain or restore the state of equilibrium in the Universe. The moment of awareness is called Self-Realization. Some call it ‘awakening’*, others, ‘coming alive’*.
This is when our real life begins.
Nature (the totality of manifestation so far) itself takes care of most of diversity, of incredible profusion of new challenges. We are the gate keepers.
There is no “good or evil” involved. There is only a state of perfect balance.
Aren’t we lucky? 

Volumes 1 - 4
In Search of Secular Ethics

Monday, 4 December 2017

Key to Immortality

We look upon vermin with disdain. It is a lowlife, as low as you can get. It is below contempt. Disgusting. Vermin is defined as parasitic worms and insects. They are perceived by us a despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society.
Only one form of life is lower than vermin and those are the microbes. The unicellular organisms, bacteria. They live together, in groups, colonies, yet each cell supports all the processes needed to survive. When they multiply, they eat all there is to be eaten, then move to better pastures, or… die.
Just like us? Humans?
Surely, we are more than vermin. More than unicellular microbes. Than bacteria.

Yes. There are the Chosen Few who don’t live like that. There are many more that are called, that know they are doing wrong, but are too lazy, too weak, too selfish, to change.
And then there is the rest, the overwhelming majority who don’t know what they are doing. They are all nice people. They “support all the processes needed to survive,” but they don’t care. They are the ignorant ones. They multiply until there is nothing more to eat. Then they move to better pastures or… die.
Reminds you of anything?

We ONLY differ in the awareness of the potential within us. Every single human being has the potential to rise above the physical survival mode of biological infestation, and aspire to greater things. “Ad Majora natus sum,” said my patron saint, Stanislaw Kosta. “I was born for greater things.” We all were. Every single one of us. We all have the potential to be as gods.
There is a catch, though.
To be gods we must act as gods.
We must at least resemble them. We cannot resemble the lowest form of life that proliferates this earth. And yet…
And yet, even microbes seem to aspire to greater things. There are 10 times as many microbial cells in the human body as there are human cells. They keep us alive.
Thank you.
Thank you, microbes.
Is this what we do? How many strangers, or even different species, do we keep alive? Surely, we cannot be lower than vermin? Lower than lowly microbes.
Can we?
Are we?
Our biological potential stretches from microbial cells to Einsteinian hundreds of trillions synaptic complexities. Also, our evolutionary past is scrupulously recorded in our DNA, the physical reflection of our subconscious. Are we just biological robots equipped with artificial intelligence?
Think again… are we?
According to Buddha, only until we awaken. According to Yeshûa (Jesus), we remain dead, until we come alive—until we discover who we really are. Until we discover that we are not our bodies, but indestructible individualizations of the omnipresent energy of Consciousness using them, temporarily, to manifests the Potential within us.
Are you awake yet?
Are you sure you’re alive?

Commentary on the Gospel of Thomas