Monday 27 November 2017

CONSCIOUSNESS —The Amorphous Energy

To repeat, there is no matter, there is only energy, has been said by Einstein, Feynman, and many other physicists. All bright scientists. Do we believe them, or do we think they all joined some new, mysterious cult with quasi-religious overtones.
Well, they’re all established scientists. Are we to believe them as our forefathers believed the learned priesthood of the hoary past?
Do we have a choice?
Let us assume that this time our  physicists are on the right track. That all IS ENERGY. And, and this is important, that there is nothing that isn’t. To help us along, this new theory was born in the heart of the Quantum Theory, which led directly to String Theory. String theory purports that everything that we recognize as matter, when reduced to quantum state, consists of incredibly tiny bits of vibrating energy known as strings. Vivek Keshore, a contributor to Quara, suggests that:
“…if the size of an electron is equal to the size of earth, then the string responsible for that electron would be not bigger than a three or four storey building.”
Michael Price, M.Sc. adds,
“if you blew a proton up to the size of our galaxy than a loop of string would be about a meter across.”
I wouldn’t try to imagine this, unless you want to drive  yourself a little mad. Well, perhaps more than a little… all these comparisons could enhance the reality of Alice in the Wonderland (which really is our world).

Let us break down the energy in a manner that effects us. The faster the rate of vibration, the faster the wave moves away from its source, in all directions simultaneously. Hence quanta of sound are slower then those of light (photons), which in turn are slower than the quanta of emotions, which in turn are slower than the quanta of thought. All is energy, remember?
And here we come to the crux of the matter.
To repeat:
All is energy, hence there is nothing that isn’t.
At a certain point we arrive at the energy of Consciousness. Its rate of vibration is so fast that it mimics infinity. Correspondingly it moves from its source at an infinite velocity. Hence, wherever it moves, it is already there. Hence, Consciousness is omnipresent, and its nature displays both, Being and Becoming.

Since velocity is an aspect of time, then infinite velocity is beyond time. When you are already omnipresent, you don’t need to move from one place to another, hence time is redundant. While we continuously experience the mode of Becoming, we also continue in the condition of Being.
Being and Becoming are the two aspects of our reality. No wonder the ancient prophets called us gods. 

There is one other mystery that we must accept. All energies characterized by faster vibrations can be slowed down to become discernible to our physical senses. Hence the visible universe is… visible. Or, as the ancients put it, “the Word has become Flesh.”
Why? At the most fundamental level…
All is Consciousness. 

Volumes 1 - 4
In Search of Secular Ethics



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