Monday 14 August 2017


A new supercomputer from China is the world's most powerful machines. The 93 petaflop Sunway TaihuLight is installed at the National Supercomputing Centre in Wuxi. At its peak, the computer can perform around 93,000 trillion calculations per second.
Close to AI?
We have 100 billion neurons. A typical neuron fires 5 - 50 times every second. Each individual neuron can form thousands of links with other neurons in this way, giving a typical brain well over 100 trillion synapses (up to 1,000 trillion, by some estimates).
Definitely AI.
So how do we differ from a computer?
As egos, we don’t, other than in the calculating capacity. There is a problem, however.
Should we succeed in creating (constructing) a technological computer which matches, let alone exceed, the total ability for such functions than our brain, we, the real we, the I AM within each and everyone of us, would immediately forsake our biological housing, and move into more auspicious premises.

And here’s the rub.
Too many of us equate ourselves with the biological robot, which is endowed with the ability to be both mobile and self-reproducing, though the latter with often dubious success. The brains and neurological system, supported by endocrinal input, gives an impression of being self-sufficient. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.
The biological computer described at the beginning of the sad tirade succeeded in little more than in creating an artificial intelligence with which we identify. A vast %age of the work performed by our neural system concerns itself with maintaining the biological housing for the brain, maintaining its mobility, growing the necessary and repairing the damaged parts, and organizing  the energy  necessary (food and drink), to sustain it in a working order. An quick injection of electrons from a nearby outlet simply would not do.
Nevertheless, the biological construct which we occupy, which took countless billions of years to develop, is a wonder beyond compare. Regrettably, I strongly suspect that it is but a step necessary to create the next model which would exceed our present expectations, which might, perhaps, be fed by cosmic rays or static electricity permeating the air all around us.

Listen to our scientists. They are not all mad.
And listen to the mystics.
Neither have anything to do with religion.

AI is generated by a computer, biological or otherwise, and is no more than an aspect of phenomenal, hence transient universe. It generates an ego which people assume to be their true nature. They are wrong. We, the real ‘WE’ are immortal.

The Gospel of Thomas states: “Whosoever finds the explanation of these words shall not taste death.” We are endowed with the gene of immortality. Our genome can endure thousands, perhaps millions of years. But what of our consciousness? The author offers us the Key to Immortality.

A few blurbs from some 5 star reviews on Amazon.

Fantastic Book!
Quality Analysis
Beautifully written…
Incredibly fascinating
A very unique perspective!
Religious Verbiage Decoded
Thought Provoking and Transforming!
Blew My Mind. An Incredible Gospel Finding

And many more…

Let me know if you like the KEY, or better still, say so on Amazon… Reviews are gratefully appreciated.

 on Amazon and Create Space

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