Tuesday 17 May 2016

The GATE: Things my Mother told me

A short while ago, we celebrated Mother’s day. Such celebrations do not stop, even if your mother is no longer alive. The thoughts of her, as she is, was, and for most of us forever will be, remain filled with joy and gratitude.
One cannot stop loving. We like our mothers for the many gifts they bestowed on us. Gift of wisdom, of kindness, of patience… gifts which to this day we are trying to emulate. But love reaches beyond liking. We often love in spite of things, not because of them. We love because it gives us conscious awareness of a strange unifying force that joins us and the loved one into a singular entity.
We become One.
My mother was a very old-fashioned lady. She lived by the precepts of the teaching of the Catholic Church. Yet, as all of us, she had a personal idiosyncrasy that she maintained till the last day. She believed that each time she did the ‘right’ thing, said the ‘right’ word, the Gate which led her to heaven opened a little wider. Finally, although she was ready to go much sooner, as she turned 100, she walked through the Gate with a smile on her face. At long last she found the Gate wide open.

It has been said that the GATE offers an intriguing and captivating look at the last sixty years of western culture. While witnessing hilarious life in an Old Peoples’ home, you learn about Alzheimer’s and Dementia. This is your chance to prepare for old age with subtle wit, compassion, faith, and lots of laughter.

A few blurbs from some 5 star reviews on Amazon.

A Perfect Joy
A True Gem!!
The Gate - a must
Powerful & Heartfelt!
Brilliant and Beautiful
Makes you reflect on life
Beautiful story of older years
The Gate - A haunting, contemplative work
A novel that deserves to be read by millions of people!

And many more…

Let me know if you like it or, better still, say so on Amazon…
Reviews are (very!) gratefully appreciated. 

On Amazon and Createspace

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