Monday 24 September 2012

Was Jesus Married?

First, the name Jesus is meaningless. His name, and we all know whose, was Yeshûa, not Jesus. In Hebrew, Yeshûa (an abbreviated form of Yehoshûa), means “Yah is salvation”, that is in no way reflected in the Greek version of his misspelled, mispronounced name, which the ignorant religions adopted.
Why? And this is the punch line.
Because, once outside Israel, those in charge didn’t want anyone to know the meaning of his name. Instead, they wanted to make him into a Messiah, who died for their sins, and thus they could break ALL the commandments and still go to some elusive destinations they called heaven. The religious heaven is nothing more then a carrot, just as hell is a stick, both designed to control people. According to Yeshûa’s teaching, heaven and hell are both states of consciousness, not some harebrained idea devised by religions.
And this brings me back to Yeshûa’s marriage or lack of such. The matter is of no consequence. Moses taught people how to live, here on earth. Yeshûa taught people spiritual truth ONLY. Whether one married or remained celibate never entered into the picture. What our actions did to our minds, to our states of consciousness, was of primary importance. Of course, the two are interconnected, but one is the cause, the other the effect. Yeshûa was concerned with the cause.
In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas (Key to Immortality, logion 114), some of his disciples, probably as ignorant as most of us are today, wanted Mary to get out from their inner circle (just like the clique in the Vatican today), because “women are not worthy of the Life”.
To which Yeshûa replied:
“See, I shall lead her, so that I will make her male, that she too may become a living spirit, resembling you males. For every woman who makes herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Now, if we leave this to the avowed fundamentalists, Yeshûa would have to perform a surgical operation of great complexity. Alternatively, he was referring to her state of consciousness, offering to inspire her to be guided more by her conscious mind, then to react to her subconscious. In biblical symbolism, woman always symbolizes the human ‘soul’, or nephesh, which stands for the subconscious.
For those not aware of it yet, “living spirit” is consciousness aware of its divine attributes. ‘Raised’ consciousness is spirit. Read Isaiah 9:6 to see what I mean. It is not to be confused with the ‘animal’ consciousness that generates ego, or that which sets us apart. Nevertheless, the “living spirit” is omnipresent, whether we are aware of it or not.
Consequently, whether Yeshûa was married or not is only important to people who suffer from the need to control women, or for women who want to use this inconsequential tidbit to free themselves from such a control. Most women I know have freed themselves from the sacerdotal need to control others. 
More power to them

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