Sunday 6 February 2022


For some inexplicable reason, we, the human species, imagine that we, and we alone will survive, presumably in our present form, forever. And this in spite of the fact that the scientists at the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity concluded that: “Every day, up to 150 species are lost.” By lost they mean die. Disappear from the ranks of the living.

     But we would survive? Continue regardless of what we do?  
    Not even the dinosaurs who reputedly survived for some 165 million years made it to this day, and they had more experience of how to survive than any other known species. Thus, our chances are slim. In fact, today, we seem to be on an ever-accelerating slide towards oblivion. 
    Yes, all of us. 
   Admittedly a Few will survive but not in their present, human, bodies. Those are already inferior to a number of species. We are weaker, slower, we can't fly, swim under water, nor survive in anaerobic environment. 

According to the Judeo-Christian tradition, Eden was where it all began. Other species already existed. Adam was given the task of naming them. Compared to the dinosaurs,  it happened not so long ago. Assuming our brains had something to do with it, they, our brains, have become essentially modern at least 100,000 years ago. Not much compared to dinosaurs. 
    Yet, I suggest, that was when our problems started. 
    From that moment on we have forsaken the dictates of nature, and began to imagine that we know better. (Adam's apple?) The introduction of labour saving devices accelerated our devolution which has reached our present stage wherein our technology is progressively eliminating our need for thinking. A Few think; the masses, and that's well over 99%, use the products of the Few.
    If we echo the characteristics of "nature", wherein everything appears to move in cycles (diurnal, seasonal, ice ages, resulting floods, zodiacal, etc) we, too, as the dominant species, need a rudimentary renewal. Our thought streams appear to have veered in the wrong direction. Instead of enhancing the Phenomenal Universe, we appear to concentrate on enhancing our personal comforts. Hence, the Universe no longer needs us.
    Isn't it time to start again? 
    Perhaps the time has come to recycle the human species? 
Unless there is more to our species than our exulted egos. If you want to find out what our forefathers thought, before we became immersed in our materiality, read my dictionary. It might surprise you.  They may have had a method for survival. 


My Dictionary does NOT interpret. It merely translates the 3300 Hebrew and ancient Greek words, which for thousands of years remained not translated. Obviously, it must have been forbidden knowledge, not to be cast before swine (Matthew 7:6). Evidently, the true meaning was inconvenient for those who were building a kingdom in this transient, illusory reality.
Brilliant for seeing deeper 
 "I've read the Bible several times…
 … and I am an enthusiast of the Old Testament as history. 
Now there is a way to read and understand the OT as teaching. 
I am so grateful for Stanislaw's dictionary and his depth of understanding, 
especially in the extremely helpful examples he gives in understanding 
otherwise seemingly dry OT passages… Excellent. 
Alistair Forrest, Author
5.0 out of 5 stars

We would be wise to learn the wisdom of the past.
It is ours to enjoy!
Paperbacks or  eBooks
Don't delay!
(previously published some months ago) 

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