Wednesday 5 January 2022


When people discover the magnificent healing powers inherent within their unconscious, there will be more unemployed physicians in the world (let alone employees of the Big Pharmas) than in any other profession. Other "specialists" and "experts" will also face unemployment in vast numbers. 
    People will begin to think for themselves, in vast numbers. 
  We think that we think, but, most of us only generate sufficient intelligence from our biological computer, our brain, to satisfy the needs of our ego. Our ego is not capable of becoming aware of the "big picture". It concentrates on its own needs, on its own survival, with little if any interest in the welfare of its own species, let alone the totality of fauna and flora.
    This is where the Higher Self comes in. 
    While is uses the ego to stimulate more diversity in the phenomenal Universe, Its principle concern is the welfare of the species which it developed and now sustains.
    The evidence is amply visible in the way that the combine human egos mistreats virtually all of flora and fauna for its imagined benefit. What ego is not capable of perceiving is that its survival is co-dependent on all the other life forms of which there are countless millions. In fact, if it weren't for the quadrillions of varieties of microorganisms, we would drown in our own excrement. We are a specie that produces an inordinate amount of waste. 

    In fact, the totality of life on Earth is a single complex organism that evolved over countless millions of years. In this sense, we are ONE. And this oncoming Age of Aquarius will serve to awaken the self-centered orientation of our egos to the exigencies of the whole world. We have upset the balance of the system,  which now, during the next 2,000 years will be restored. 
    I hope you'll all partake in this endeavour consciously. Otherwise, you might prove to be redundant to the welfare of all. 
The 3 books below might assist you to derive the greatest benefits from the oncoming changes, which are intended to enhance your life beyond your wildest imagination. Your conscious participation, however, is imperative. Both, ego and higher self are crucial for our survival.
     Good luck.
In paperbacks and ebooks





  1. Interesting. Seems to make sense as the Globalist agenda via the Great Reset/ Cv19 agenda, cleans the earth, like the Noah Mythology, and brings us to the Golden Age.

  2. Thank you. There is more in my books.
