Monday 10 January 2022


Having shared with you "Thoughts of God" ( it is time for a lighter mode. Not that science-fiction is bereft of philosophy, (unless you are still in early teens, in need of monsters, mass murders and general mayhem to sate your need for entertainment). No offense intended, but I leave those sub-genres to the as yet immature minds.

    Science-fiction, at its best, is equivalent to our ancient prophets who had been inspired by the thoughts that foretold what futures might result from the way we conduct our lives at present. They also offered solutions to our erroneous ways. Their prognostications had nothing to do with any religion. 
Hence, without further ado, I'll share with you a few thoughts about our future. No. I do not lay claim to prophecy, but rather to logical projections of "cause and effect", with an admix of inspirations clouding the issue with "fiction", which might, just might, also turn out to be an inspired prediction of what might happen. 
    Until recently, we have been subjected to the "guidance" of the "Few", endowed with traits necessary to hold sway over our thoughts and the resulting behaviour. In fact, the vast majority of us, had been conditioned, studiously brainwashed, to absolute obeisance to our leaders and their henchmen. Of late, these servile henchmen have grown to include most governments, religious and other professional organizations, mass media, and lackeys who act only for money. The hidden powers of the world who managed to remain virtually nameless are the 2,755 billionaires. Four of five of them are well known, the rest succeeded in remaining virtually incognito
    We are till on the tail end of the age, the Age of Pisces, which was characterized by the "Many that were called", the "Few that had chosen" to listen to their inner voice, and the large masses that came along for the ride. The "Few" were categorized by acquisition of power, which is a divine trait. Without the balancing force of love, however, this divine trait tends to corrupt.
    As we know, absolute power corrupts absolutely. 
    This is manifested by the Ego taking over from the Self. The illusion overshadowing true reality.
    And this is the stage we have now reached. 

This, obviously, has to change. Universal Laws demand a state of balance in the efficacy of all energies which are distributed throughout the Phenomenal World.
    Regrettably, changes are invariably painful. 
    First, the  energies of the New Age must destroy the remnants of its previous mission. They must clear our minds, our states of consciousness, from conditioning of the last Age. Only then new concepts can be introduced. Very advanced people, the Few who retained original teaching before it was corrupted, already know that, but the vast majority will go though birth-pains that come approx. every 2,150 years. After removing the corrupt leaders of the previous Age, there will follow a long period of absolute chaos, not unlike the Potential Universe where all possibilities exist simultaneously. The onset of the Age of Aquarius is particularly arduous because the "old" must be removed before people will become aware of the "new". 
    And the new will be manifested in the awakening of the talents dormant within our unconscious. This incredible potential will be made available to every consciousness able to absorb and manifest it.
Now you must decide if all of the above is theory, fact or science-fiction. Depending on which option you choose, your future will be consistent with your choice. You are the sole creators of your reality. You'll probably enjoy at least two reincarnations during some 2000 years to manifest your dreams. Should you suffer death before your allotted time, the number of reincarnations may be greatly multiplied.
    My Sci-Fi lays no claim, yet does not deny, its prophetic content. The stories below might amuse you. Your pleasure was my principle motivator in writing them. We are all born to be happy. I wish to enhance your reality.
    Hence, enjoy!

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