Sunday 9 February 2020


“Pragmatism asks its usual question. ‘Grant an idea or belief to be true,’ it says, what concrete difference will
 its being true make in anyone's actual life?
How will the truth be realized?”
William James, (1842—1910) 
American psychologist and philosopher

“Many are Called but Few are Chosen”
Matthew 22:14 KJV

“I am just a child who has never grown-up.
I still keep asking these 'how' and 'why' questions.
 Occasionally, I find an answer.”
Stephen Hawking (1942 – 2018)
English theoretical physicist, cosmologist

As already mentioned in various contexts, the ‘Beginning’ ends when we start listening to the silent voice within. Quite “many are called”(1) and they begin to suspect that there is more than just the phenomenal Universe. That energies are not only those defined as such by our aspiring scientists but that they include all forces that contribute to the reality we live in. Even the forces, or energies, that cannot be measured by the most sophisticated technological instrumentation.
Nevertheless, quite a few are CALLED.
At this stage the ‘call’ is a whisper vaguely perceived, of course, by our artificial consciousness. By our Ego. By the consciousness generated by our phenomenal, hence illusory brain.  Our true self, the I AM, is the sender of the call.
But, it’s a start. A blessed, wondrous start.
It is the period of transition.
Also, this is the only part of the phenomenal stage of our evolution that is controlled by our artificial intelligence. We might call it the kindergarten in which we are gradually becoming aware of who we are. Of who we really are.
It is indeed the Beginning of the End of the illusory existence. Of the transient illusion.
It is the first step towards finding our way back to Eden. To Paradise. Remember, the Paradise is within you. Within every one of us. And from within come the inspirations of the great artists. Perhaps the most famous example of creativity coming from within is given us by Ludwig von Beethoven (1770 - 1827). He is reported to have dated his hearing loss from a fit he suffered in 1798.

"For two years I have avoided almost all social gatherings because it is impossible for me to say to people 'I am deaf'," he wrote. "If I belonged to any other profession it would be easier, but in my profession, it is a frightful state."

Other sources date the start of his losing hearing from the age of 26. By the time he reached 44, he was almost totally deaf. It must have been devastating for him. Yet he composed his 3rd symphony, the Eroica when he was already 33 well on the way of becoming deaf.
A prominent reviewer proclaimed the ‘Eroica’, which he composed in 1803 (and premiered in Vienna in 1805)  as "one of the most original, most sublime, and most profound products that the entire genre of music has ever exhibited."

“By 1824, at the end of the premiere of his Ninth Symphony, he had to be turned around to see the tumultuous applause of the audience because he could hear neither it nor the orchestra.”

His heavenly music must have come from a heavenly source, from Heaven, that he discovered within himself.

There are many other examples of great ideas that were born “within”, that originated in our dreams, in fact in lucid-dreams.
Einstein’s speed of light; Mary Shelly’ first Sci-Fi novel; Paul McCartney’s “Music that Inspires Music”; Niels Bohr’s structure of an atom, Elias Howe’s invention of the sewing machine; the mathematical genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan that proved more than 3,000 mathematical theorems in his lifetime; and many other original thoughts and creative ideas, both scientific and artistic, have their origin in dreams.
In our unconscious.
Our creative source is inexhaustible. All we need do is find it. Within.

As mentioned in DELUSIONS, Infinity has neither beginning nor end. If it had, it would not be infinite. It cannot abide in the past, nor in the future. It can only exist in the present. It can exist only in the eternal NOW.
Heaven is beyond the limitations of time.
Or any dimension.
Or any limitation.
Heaven neither was, nor will be.
Heaven IS.

The book will soon be published. Your comments are welcome.

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