Friday 14 February 2020

Chapter 5 MANY ARE CALLED (The Beginning and the End)

 Chapter 5 continued. (Soon to be published)

This, however, does not apply to the phenomenal reality. Thanks to Einstein, we already know that the ‘reality’ in which we live in not real. That it is an illusion even though... a very persistent one.
Hence, we, a species that in terms of infinity is still in the kindergarten, regard it as real.
And... strangely enough, so we should!
The purpose of the phenomenal reality is to test if the theoretical creative potential can assume a phenomenal form. Whether the theory and practice can coexist. As stated, this theoretical potential is the reality that abides in the eternal NOW. Perhaps erroneously, most religions do NOT recognize a Heaven that can be experienced while still within our physical bodies. While still ‘alive’. As a place where no harm can come to anyone whose consciousness has merged with the Omnipresent Creative Energy.
Well, they are wrong. Heaven is within us.
Nevertheless, this Consciousness of Heaven lacks the aspect of practical, no matter how transient, reality. It is like talking about love never having loved anyone. Like imagining beauty without ever having seen the incredible wonders of nature. It is like talking about the Universe, never having seen the night sky peppered with countless stars and galaxies.
Yet Heaven is none of these things.
Heaven is a condition, a state, a consciousness of infinite, inexhaustible, indestructible Potential. An infinite plethora of Energy waiting to be used. To be manifested. To be made ‘real’, even for just a little while. Even for a fraction of the illusory eternity. It is the Energy of irrepressible creative desire. For this Energy, it is the becoming that matters. A becoming that strives ever-closer to the perfection of the Infinite Potential.
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect,” (Matthew 5:48) as Yeshûa is said to have said, in his inimitable, poetic way.
BTW, have you noticed the word ‘which’ rather than ‘who’? The scribes didn’t manage to stray from the truth.

And this is where we come in.
We are Its means of becoming. The instruments. The carriers of life.
We are the sensual part of the creative process. However, there is a price to be paid for the experience of life. The price is the time factor. As we cannot experience infinity in a transient body, we are destined to experience only tiny fractions of the wonder of the Creative Process.
We can partake in It to the degree to which we can become aware of the wondrous Creative Energy within us. Yes, it is the same Energy that created, and continues to create, the infinity of the Universe. We are tiny, Lilliputian gods, doing our best with what we got...

And then comes the painful part. People call it death.
But there is no death!
Our true Self simply transfers its energy of consciousness to a reality of a higher rate of vibration. If our ego deserves it, they move together. When we fulfill our dharma, our destiny, we give up our illusion of phenomenal life on Earth, at least for a while.
Yet our destination is also transient. Until the next chance we get to advance a minute fraction towards our true potential. Infinity always recedes beyond the next horizon.
And this applies not only to us.
Other species are also given periods of rest. Of their artificial consciousness abiding in a reality of a higher rate of vibration. This is an ongoing evolutionary process.
The only difference between us and other species is the rate of vibration of the energy generated by our brain. Other species continue to abide in the Garden of Eden. They, for the most part, obey the dictates of nature (which reacts to the dictates of Higher Consciousness). If not, they die, only to be born again and keep trying. A little like us. The only yet fundamental difference is the absence of pride in their ego. Oh yes, they to have egos, but they do not suffer from the hunger of power that only knowledge can give. Power to rule others. To dominate others. To bask in our own pride.
Have you noticed that a dog or a cat, abandoned, never blame others, their so-called masters? “What have I done wrong?” they seem to ask themselves. And if reunited their joy is effusive. Never mixed with a sense of guilt let alone accusation.
No. Other species still enjoy subliminal obedience to the Universal Laws. Whatever they might be.
We do not.
Periodically various species that exhausted or fulfilled their phenomenal potential become extinct, making room, within the same environment, for new diversity. We do not have to be preoccupied with maintaining such species beyond their allotted time. We must never forget that energy cannot be destroyed. This includes the energy that we refer to as life. Not physical life, of course, but the Energy of life which made the physical manifestation possible. The Energy which converted a single sperm and an ovum into an entity of billions upon billions of cells.
That, my friends, takes a lot of ‘energy’.
 The species seemingly extinct simply transfer their consciousness to another illusory carrier. They continue until their new brain produces sufficient self-awareness to become aware of their higher purpose.
If they have the potential to survive, they will. If not, then another chance will be given them later, in the infinity of phenomenal time. Nothing is ever wasted. Their contribution to diversity is absorbed by the Potential, to be used, again and again, to contribute to still greater diversity. Thanks to them, and us, and all the fauna and flora, the Universe continues to expand.
Yes, fauna and flora.
A tree draws water from its roots and sucks it up to feed leaves up to 300 feet high, at the very top of their branches. There, the leaves absorb carbon dioxide from the air to produce oxygen.
It takes six molecules of CO2 to produce one molecule of glucose by photosynthesis, and release six molecules of oxygen. And to create photosynthesis it draws energy from sunlight which travels 93,000,000 miles (150,000,000 kilometers) to make this possible. The light gets here in about 8 minutes.
The oxygen keeps us alive. And not only us but all aerobic organisms. Animals and plants, even fungi and many bacteria are all aerobic and use cellular respiration to make energy. Yes, phenomenal energy that supports phenomenal life. Try not breathing for a while and see what happens to your energy.  

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