Tuesday 18 June 2019

SCI-FI SERIES 2 — Five more Short Stories

<<<There was nothing human about the scream.
In near total darkness, where even the stars had forsaken their shimmering sheen, within the hot breath of the steaming, churning volcanic hot springs, Astrid could only imagine the alien features contracted in a spasm of agony. Pain is pain by any other name. It hurts as much, no matter what the species. A shriek, a short silence, then a protracted whimper.
“It makes your blood curl,” Astrid threw over her shoulder, busy adjusting the sensors for a directional response.
“Thou shalt not interfere”, she thought momentarily.
The Simulator.
The same instant she dismissed the conditioned response as inapplicable. >>>

Continue in the book...

“There is pseudo science-fiction that is filled with monsters and gore. That’s fine, for the young minds. But there are also the giants of the genre who seem to reach out to our potential, both, good and bad, in our not so distant future. Stan Law belongs in the latter category. Fascinating what a fertile mind can produce.”
From a 5-STAR review by B. Czytelnik on Smashwords.

Let me know if you liked it or, better still, say so on Amazon, or wherever you got the book…
Reviews are gratefully appreciated.


  1. “I liked them all, but my two favourites were The Acorn and Black Hole. I was excited because one of my favourites (Black Hole) is actually the prologue for an upcoming novel ‘Gift of Gamman. Can't wait to read it!”
    From 5-STAR review by Momto4BookLover on Amazon.

  2. “Great collection! I just purchased "Gift of Gamman" to read next, which is a continuation of one of the short stories in the book, Black Hole.”
    From a 5-STAR review by Brian, on Amazon.

  3. “The detail and possibilities that are explored in these stories are intriguing, suspenseful, mysterious, and thought provoking. Law’s ability to inspire a myriad of emotions in a scientific and intelligent environment is astounding. I highly recommend it!”
    From a 5-STAR review by Sid Freeman, on Smashwords.
