Monday 17 June 2019

SCI-FI SERIES 1 (Five Short stories)

If you suddenly feel an enormous weight pressing down on you, it’s probably too late. Your Umph is already inside the alien’s body. This should not scare you…

[The other stories are about the love of life and the planet Earth.]

“…a real classic, which leaves the reader wondering if we do really live on Planet Earth!” Louisa Middleton-Blake, author, Wales, UK.

Thirsty Work is absolutely hilarious! A weird and twisty tale the likes I have not seen in many a year. Reminds me of Ray Bradbury's early work before he got all dark and serious... I will be looking at more of your writing, sir!”
Review by Thaddeus Howze in Author's Den.

Some blurbs from 5-STAR reviews on Amazon.

Great sci-fi.
Superb writing.
Very, Very Good!
Highly Enjoyable!
Absolutely brilliant!
Excellent Collection!
Great Science Fiction indeed!
Short stories with a twist 5 stars
I loved everything about this collection of stories!
(some reviews have been removed by Amazon for no known reason)

Let me know if you liked it or, better still, say so on Amazon, or wherever you got the book…
Reviews are gratefully appreciated.


  1. “If you're a fan of Science Fiction, pick up an ANALOG magazine - probably the premier monthly mag featuring great Sci-Fi - and you'll probably be less entertained than if you read Stan I.S. Law's Sci-Fi stories.”
    From a 5-STAR review by RP Barons, on Amazon.

  2. “Great collection! I just purchased "Gift of Gamman" to read next, which is a continuation of one of the short stories in the book, Black Hole.”
    From a 5-STAR review by Brian, on Amazon.

  3. “Original thinking which generates a sense of wonder without drifting into pure fantasy, or bogging down into technical descriptions. Superb writing.”
    From 5-STAR review by Cranston Withers on Amazon.
