Monday 29 April 2019

PLUTO EFFECT — Aquarius Trilogy Book 2

The road to divinity is neither quick nor easy. Yet, surely, divinity (or ultimate creative energy) rests within every single one of us. Deep within our unconscious guides us on the evolutionary ladder towards higher vibrations.
After all, all is energy and energy differs only by the rate of its vibrations. The slowest seem like matter, like solids. The fastest is the omnipresent, indestructible, infinite creative force of Consciousness.
We have taken our first steps on the upward journey.
Yet, history tells us that each major step in our evolution is preceded by a cleansing process. Be an ice age, a flood, or a cataclysm caused by an errand celestial body smashing into our planetary home, we must be ready to forego our old ways and be prepared to accept the new.
And so it is with Pluto Effect.

It is wise to remember that our true being, our true Self, even as our physical body consists of energy. This energy, however, is of dualistic nature. It is made up of Being and Becoming. Our immortal Self abides in the eternal Now, while the Ego, which consists of the phenomenal energies defining our Becoming, is in constant flux, eternally adding to the diversity of the Reality of the phenomenal Universe.

Read this book carefully. It might save your life. Under the influence of Pluto, the world order is on the brink of total collapse. Those who know about the ancient prophecies will escape with their lives. Those who do not… will have to face the consequences, which will change mother Earth forever. Read it now. Hurry!

A few blurbs from some 5-star reviews.

Wonderful Reading!
A beautiful continuation!
Book One Brought Me Here!
Lovely, deep and exciting book!
A fascinating philosophical novel!
Only the best from Author Stan I.S. Law!
Get ready to think and then be blown away!

And many more…

Let me know if you like it or, better still, say so on Amazon… Reviews are gratefully appreciated. And don’t forget Book 1 & 3 of the Aquarius Trilogy.

Book Two of the

Coupon Code: NG66Z


  1. “Pluto Effect” is mesmerizing and highly entertaining on elements that for me are eye-opening and unique. Quantum tunnelling, physics, metaphysics combining to form a new reality is spellbinding and simply riveting beyond words.”
    From 5-STAR review by Lazaro on Amazon.

  2. “Author Stan I.S. Law’s use of astrology, astronomy and Greek mythology is illuminating and captivating. This book will empower you to discover the freedom that you already possess. It will inspire and motivate you. I highly recommend it!”
    From 5-STAR review by Amy Taylor on Amazon
