Monday 15 April 2019

PETER & PAUL - The Phenomenal Reality.

Paul made but one mistake. No, not while serving the Roman centurion. He was an exemplary soldier. His error came much later. In spite of his esoteric vision on the way to Damascus, he continued to regard the phenomenal world as real.
Although seemingly converted to Yeshûa’s teaching, and doing his best to fulfill what he considered his duty, his new obligations, he missed the essence of the teaching.

He tried to create the Kingdom of God on Earth.

As the consequence of his committed efforts, he was instrumental in organizing a Church, an organization that serves the body and not the spirit of man. A Church of Phenomenal Reality. A Church of the ephemeral result—not of the Cause.
Only in his last days, in Rome, when his labours could not be undone, Paul understood the mystery of true reality. Thanks to Peter.
Peter did his best to explain to Paul the mystery of inner life. Peter had a great advantage. He lived with his Master for three years. He saw and experience firsthand the metamorphosis of energy performed by Yeshûa on many occasions. They called them miracles and, by the phenomenal standards, they were.
Peter witnessed, first hand, that the reality of the phenomenal world was tenuous, flexible, impermanent at best, and hence, Yeshûa could change its nature. Later, Peter as well his colleagues, the apostles,  could also do that — by the power within, not without. By the power of the unshakable faith, of the unwavering adamant consciousness, they followed in the spiritual footsteps of their Master.
And let us never forget that ‘spiritual’ means effulgent in the highest state of consciousness.

Hence my novel:  PETER & PAUL. Yeshûa is gone. Times of agony, lonesomeness, murder, treachery, and destruction follow. The inhuman struggle to spread the Word among people set in pagan ways calls for the ultimate sacrifice. Yet love emerges victorious.

PETER & PAUL exemplify the Few (that are chosen) and the Many (that are called). Peter was among the very few. Paul, among the relatively many. And let us never forget that the overwhelming majority of people were not even been called. They are still awaiting their “First Coming”.
The book also includes preliminary research for this novel, which led the author to his conclusions. These notes initiated and later became weekly blogs. Enjoy! 

A few blurbs from some 5-STAR reviews on Amazon.

Great Read!
Brought to life!
Very enjoyable!
Fascinating read!
Really enjoyed the book.
Historical fact dramatized.
We are all Spiritual Giants.
Historical Fiction Done Well.
Great feel for history and culture.
Fantastic exploration of early Christianity.
Excellent Look Into Peter and Paul's World.

And others…

Let me know if you liked it or, better still, say so on Amazon… Reviews are gratefully appreciated.

Intuitive Sequel to


  1. “I recommend this book for Christians and skeptics alike, as there is enough substance to satisfy both camps.”
    From 5-STAR review by Brian on Amazon
    (Thanks, Brian)

  2. “We are all Spiritual Giants. It has caused me to take a different look at my spiritual journey and to realize that even the little I do know can be used, in a big way, by God.”
    From 5-STAR review by Cindy Leslie, on Amazon.

  3. “I have read three other brilliant books by the same author and received this one as a gift. It is a fascinating read… This book is a truly remarkable work by a remarkable author.”
    From 5-STAR review by Fred Schaefer, Author, on Amazon.
    (Thank you, Fred. Appreciated)
