Monday 10 December 2018

ENIGMA of the Second Coming

For many of us,  the Enigma of Christmas is little more than a commemoration of a child born some two millennia ago. A wondrous child. A child who, after some eighteen years of intensive study showed us the incredible potential latent within us. A child that, for many, matured to become our Messiah.
For others, it is as though a Second Coming was taking place in our hearts.

Yet what if there really were to be a Second Coming? What if the prophets, the mystics, the saviors of the past did decide to give humanity another chance? Do we deserve it?
I doubt it.

At present we are destroying all life on Earth. Flora and Fauna; the plant and the animal life. Yet, for some of us, it may be only the First Coming. The first awakening. For others, perhaps it happened a countless number of times. Yet they forgot. They got lost in illusion. As we seem to be. Right now.
Read on. It may be Science Fiction or a possible reality foretold by mystics, probably brilliant men of the past. A mysterious, hidden past.

Shall we get a Second Chance?

Hence,  the Enigma of the Second Coming.
A love story, visionary fiction, mysticism, theology, and a personal journey... From her sanctuary in the Canadian Science Center high in the Yukon, Heidi is faced with two apparently separate mysteries. The world is in upheaval, tectonic plates are shifting, planets are realigning. And then there is the Enigma that holds the key to the higher affinity of the universe.

This novel is a romance spanning across the stars. It is a memoir of a life that was and that is still to come. It is a mystery filled with action, yet also with poetry held in suspense. It is science, and fiction, and fantasy. But most of all, it is great fun!

A voyage from within and without, this novel transports us to the frontiers of an existence that knows no frontiers, where physics and metaphysics merge into a timeless, seamless whole.
 [Jeremy Garwood, Ph.D., author]

And then there is the Enigma that holds the key to the higher affinity of the universe.

A few 5 STAR blurbs:

Awakened Sci-Fi!
Brilliant and Captivating!
This author never lets me down!
My favorite by this author, so far…
Another amazing story from Stan Law
Challenges Conventional Frames Of Mind
A State of Consciousness Can Open Up the Entire World

…and more…

Let me know if you liked it or, better still, say so on Amazon… Or, wherever you got the book. Thanks.
Reviews are gratefully appreciated.



  1. “Not only will I be reading Enigma of the Second Coming a second time, but as I am a fan of his writing, I will also be looking out for more of Law's work!”
    From 5-Star review by Chameleon.

  2. “A love story, visionary fiction, mysticism, theology and a personal journey...” From a 5-star review by B. Symonds.

    Add action and suspense and you’ve got the novel. It might be a journey we all must take…

  3. “Law continues to amaze me with his ability to blend action, romance, philosophy, and mysticism into a rip-roaring science-fiction tale that will keep your eyes glued to the story until the very last page…”
    From a 5-star review by Kevin Lintner (Thanks, Kevin)

  4. “I couldn't put this down once I'd started. It was a wonderful story and I will certainly be reading more. Thank you Mr. Law.”
    From a 5-star review by Candy Rae, in Scotland. (The pleasure is mine, Candy. Thank you!)
