To discuss Life on Earth, we must define what we mean by Life. First and foremost, we must agree that is more than a biological infestation, ever bearing in mind that ALL is energy.
For me, life is a condition of Becoming, which coverts some of the infinite theoretical possibilities into equally infinite, though transient, manifestations. We, humans, are among the many species which partake in this process, but only some of us have reached the stage of conscious participation.
Essentially, the process of becoming is characterized by the rate at which we witness, and hopefully learn from, the consequences of ideas becoming thoughts, emotions, and usually the ensuing actions or objects. The results of ‘wrong’ thinking, thinking without emotional and physical follow up, or any other shortcomings, are quickly visible on a temporal scale. We experience the consequences of missing the point or, what religious fraternity erroneously refer to as ‘sin’. What really happens is that we miss the object of the exercise which the creative energy of life place in our way.
When we leave our physical bodies (‘die’) we find ourselves in individualizations composed of energies vibrating at higher rates. (Think of bodies you use in your dreams.) Whereas nuclear energies vibrate so slowly as to be discernible to our physical senses, the bodies we enter on ‘dying’ are made up of quanta vibrating at a higher rate.
They could be made up of photons or other quanta not as yet identified by our primitive science.
Why primitive?
The solar system is approx. 4.54 billion years old. The Universe, as we know it, is rated to exist for 13.82 billions years. We must assume that there are individualized incarnations of the energy of Life (Intelligence with all its attendant characteristics) that are approximately 3 times older, hence, hopefully, 3 times more advanced than we are. Hopefully their evolution has taken them well beyond our present state of awareness.
Primitive beings might call them gods. After all, they may be amusing themselves by creating solar systems and seeding them with incipient units of intelligence.
Just to see what develops.
Whatever we assume, or choose to believe, the only thing that matters are the individualizations of the Universal Live Energy, which enable the state of Being to find fulfillment in the Process of Becoming, which we call life. By studying the Universal Laws we, humans, might grow in knowledge of how to partake in this Process consciously.
Until we do, we shall abide in a reactive condition, with the rest of flora and fauna, which might have been created by our elder brothers and sisters.
Elder by a few billion years.
Or trillion or two…
PS. According to Albert Einstein, (and a number of other physicists), all reality is made up of energy at different rates of vibration, which can metamorphose into different vibratory rates, but which cannot be destroyed.
Hence the Universe is eternal, infinite, and indestructible. We are the incipient units of the Universal Consciousness.
In Search of Secular Ethics