Friday, 22 December 2023


This is probably the most indulgent statement in the Bible. It suggests that a fair number of people might hear the “call”, and, hopefully, will fulfill the missions to which they have been called.

      Not so.

      I strongly suspect the statement has been so worded in order not to discourage the “many” from at least trying. In fact, history draws a different picture. Around 800 B.C. a man named Isaiah, reputedly a Jewish prophet who foretold the Messiah's coming, brought hope not only for the nation of Israel, but also for all of us (Google Oct.6, 2021). 

      He made a momentous statement which, in spite of it's prophetic importance, had been promptly, and ever since ignored, not only by the Jews, but by all religions originating from the Jewish root.  This applies to all religious sects springing from Christianity, including Catholicism, Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Anglicanism, Oriental Orthodoxy, and Assyrians, as well as Muslim derivative. And the momentous statement was:


Yet, all the sects originating from Judaism much preferred to define us as sinners, over whom the leaders of all those sects had strict control by dangling the threat of eternal hell with the accompanying suffering in front of our noses. Imagine: they preached and continue to preach a God of infinite goodness who sentences his beloved children to eternal suffering. I couldn't imagine a more sadistic monster than their image of "God". Yet instilling abject fear in people was the only way the leaders of religions could think of to maintain control over their followers. And followers their needed to control their followers.

     For as long as we imagine a "God" constructed in our image and likeness, thinking as we do with our primitive minds, fueled by our immature emotions, the very concept of God is meaningless. Hence, only the "FEW" perceived the truth. According to Baruch Spinoza, to define God is to deny God. Yet he offered the following statement: 

"God is the one infinite substance who possesses an infinite number of attributes each expressing an eternal aspect of his/her nature."

For reasons known only to Spinoza, he appeared to have allotted "God" a hermaphroditic nature. To help you accept this concept, I should add that Abert Einstein, often regarded as an atheist, publicly stated that he believed in the God of Spinoza. 

     Since our scientists have fairly recently announced that "ALL IS ENERGY", I'd like to take us a step further. My contemplation suggest that we might, if not should, refer to as God as:

Omnipresent Creative Energy of 


     My offering removes all definitions that might limit the creative power of the omnipresent creative energy. It also removes any characteristics that religions assign to God to equate Him/Her with human characteristics. It even removes Spinoza's concept of "substance", and substitutes the concept of energy that, in this and only om this case, vibrates at an infinite frequency, hence making it omnipresent. This characteristics appears to endow Its nature with the need to seek a phenomenal expression, which, though transient and thus illusive, manifests its presence in increasing complex forms endowed with slower frequencies of vibration. 

      Hence ALL IS ENERGY, manifesting in ever-increasing forms of expression. This explains the eternal evolution, which attempts to express the infinite potential inherent in the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness in phenomenal form. As no part of can express the whole, the evolutionary process is eternal. Thereafter, only by reducing the frequency of vibration of phenomenal elements  we can create characteristics of an illusive reality, in which we experience our becoming. Our awareness of this process enables us, who are endowed with brains capable of producing the creative energy of thoughts, to contribute to the ever-expanding diversity of the phenomenal universe. Hence to eternal expansion of the phenomenal universe. 


Back to square one!

This ability to generate creative energies of thoughts which contribute to the diversity of the phenomenal reality is what presumably enabled Isaiah to define us as Gods. Indeed, if we erase all the human characteristics which our religions have assigned to our imaginary deity which they have accepted as "God", we are left with but two aspects that explain the reality in which we live. 

      The Creative Energy of Consciousness seems to exhibit only two principle energies. The first is THE CENTRIPETAL, and the second manifests as CENTRIFUGAL ENERGY. The first  assures singularity of both the source and the phenomenal universe, or what the religions called "one god", and the second manifests as continuous expansion of creation.

      The Centripetal Energy also lies at the root of what  manifests in conscious beings as love. The second, of course, accounts for virtually infinite diversity. Together, these two account for the singularity and expansion of the phenomenal universe. We must never forget that ALL phenomenal reality comes from a single, though omnipresent Source. As such, one might say that we are all related.






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