Monday 1 October 2018

VICIOUS CIRCLES—In Search of Secular Ethics

Well, they doesn’t have to be vicious, but great many of us choose to make them so. But, why circles at all?
The answer is simple.
We are immortal, yet our bodies are not.
This is true of absolutely everything in the phenomenal Universe. It applies to both, fauna and flora. Perhaps one day we will extend our stint in our physical bodies by a few decades, perhaps centuries, but that might create an overwhelming Karmic load.
We start as ideas, and slowly develop our artificial intelligence generated by our brain, while our consciousness continues to be expressed by our dilapidating physical body. A body that isn’t even real — just a construct of vibrating energy.
No matter.
We, the real WE. Are immortal.
We are only here to learn, and to increase the temporal expression in diversity of infinite potential. When we stop learning we begin to depreciate at an astonishing rate.
People call it aging.
We tend to forget that every function of all animal bodies, hence also ours, has been set on automatic. I dare suggest that other species fulfill their purpose in the phenomenal reality better than we do.

They often become the expressions of joy.

However, in addition to having unmitigated fun, we serve as instruments for increasing the diversity of expression for the Creative Energy.
Our physical presence is short. Our emotional and mental contribution to the ever expanding Universe can last longer.
The love we share with people can be remembered long after we’re gone. Our mental contribution, such as discoveries, or great works of art in all disciplines can last even longer.
The energies used to create ‘vehicles’ in which we travel through imaginary time are recycled for future use.

Of course, some people never become aware of their purpose. Buddha called such members of our species ‘asleep’. Yeshûa, later known as Jesus, was more precise. “Let the dead bury the dead” he said, refering to those not yet ‘awakened’.
Hence, Vicious Circles.
Hopefully, one day, we shall convert the circles to cycles, ever rising on the scale of evolution. Regrettably, observing present day events, we tend to regress rather than evolve.

So why blogs?
BLOGS, are my thoughts, recorded chronologically, edited into a journal.
They also serve to introduce my books, mostly novels. Hopefully they serve to illustrate the philosophy that leads, eventually, to Secular Ethics. For this I must thank HH Dalai Lama who inspired the direction in which my writing evolved.
While serving to advertise my work, they also help you to decide, before you commit yourself to a particular title, if the philosophy I advocate is acceptable to you.
I would call that a win-win situation.

In Search of Secular Ethics
(Volumes 1 to 5)

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