Monday 5 November 2018

VICIOUS CIRCLES—Eliminating Paradoxes

For some reason, people seem to equate immortality with their physical bodies. They seem unaware of, let alone accept the scientists' assurances that atoms are essentially empty space.
Actually, this quantum model is not quite accurate. The nucleus of an atom is surrounded by a cloud of electrons. Also, apparently, everything in the universe behaves like particles and waves at the same time. Let me break it down for you.

1. Matter is made up of atoms.
2. Atoms are made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons,
3. Electrons and Co. are made up of quarks.
4. Quarks are made up of ‘strings’.
5. Strings are minuscule loops of energy.
6. Energy makes up the phenomenal Universe.

Hence, all that’s made up of atoms is made up of minuscule loops of energy. That’s you and me. Welcome to the world of quantum physics.

We live within magnificent, phenomenal, biological robots, made up of vibrating bits of energy. Inside those envelopes resides our consciousness,  our mind, our emotions.
What you must decide is if you’d rather be made up of atoms, or be a state of Consciousness, abiding, temporarily in an assembly of atoms, a complex of vibrating energy.

In fact, you are both.
Being and Becoming are ONE.

You are an individualization of Consciousness, an Energy that vibrates at an infinite rate, and thus is omnipresent, indestructible, and omnipotent in It’s Potential.  Thus we are made up of two extremes: of the eternal and of the transient, of Being and Becoming.
The Eternal is unchangeable Energy in which all ideas already exist in their perfect potential form.
The Transient (usually referred to as ‘soul’,) is the sum-total of the phenomenal achievements of that particular individualization, since the beginning of time.
Each individualization is evolving to acquire an Artificial Intelligence, which can be applied to enhance the totality of the phenomenal Universe. Consequently, the Universe is in the state of constant expansion.
Hopefully, in time, even Homo sapiens will advance enough to cooperate with the omnipresent Consciousness.
The Evolutionary Process, (to which we refer as life), and the Prime Cause of this process are inseparable. To repeat, the two are ONE.

There is one other item to consider. The question of equilibrium. Of the…

Universal Balance.

While one cannot kill a soul, the destruction of the physical body carries a Karmic load. Any leader of a country or anyone participating in the mass slaughter of bodies in a war causes Karmic imbalance. This has nothing to do with “an eye for an eye” (which simply limits retribution), nor whether or not one believes in reincarnation. It simply states what the Universal Law appears to be.
Hence the warning, “Thou shalt not kill.”
Without balance, the Earth would fly off into outer space, or fall into the sun. There is no absolute good or evil. Good for some is evil for another. There is just the immutable Law of Balance. The straight and narrow path of the eternal Universal Equilibrium. 

Volumes 1 - 5
In Search of Secular Ethics


  1. Millennia ago, religion and science were synonymous. The purpose of religion was to encode the knowledge and protect it from distortion. Later, it drifted from energy-oriented science towards materialism. Now, science is slowly recovering.

  2. Over thousands of years, words’ meaning changes substantially. In the Bible, many were not even translated from Hebrew or ancient Greek. [My DICTIONARY OF BIBLICAL SYMBOLISM will help you to get closer to the original mindset].

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. There is no good or evil. Good for some is evil for another. There is only the state of balance from which we can reach out to add to the diversity of the Universe. (“Your eyes are too pure to look at evil,” remember?)
