Monday 26 November 2018

TWO KINGDOMS—Carrot & Stick v. Equilibrium

During the Age of Pisces, the principal lesson was that of Unity. Of being One. The  only energy (of which according to our scientists all things are made) that draws us together is the centripetal force. Centrifugal increases diversity, Centripetal unites us.
At the level of individualized consciousness, we also know this force as Love.

The principal teacher of this Age was Yeshûa, known to most people as Jesus. He claimed that once we accept that we are all One, all things will become clear.

“At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.”  (John 14:20)

This enigmatic statement would sound very different today. Today he’d probably say:
Energy that is omnipresent. That the energy is amorphous, indestructible, and can metamorphose into anything; both imaginable and unimaginable.
That all creative acts are initiated by an idea.
That the phenomenal world is the result, not the cause of all things. That the creative force is:

NOT of this world.
Not of the world perceived by our senses.

Yeshûa defined the Creative Source of his Consciousness as his father. To me, this sounds a lot less like magic than the Big Bang proposed by physicists. Big Bang initiated from nothing.
Also, in Yeshûa’s Kingdom, there is no crime and punishment. No carrot or the stick. Heaven is within you, he said. As are all states of Consciousness. Today, finally, some of our scientists are on the right track.

Paul, also known by his Jewish name Saul of Tarsus, struggled with this concept all his life. Peter, having learned the truth directly from Yeshûa, desperately tried to persuade him. There were moments in which Paul was very close to understanding. Very close to accepting the truth. Alas… too late. By the time it dawned on him that Yeshûa’s Kingdom is not of this world, the damage was already done. He, almost singlehanded, organized a kingdom very much in this world. A kingdom which even today has more than two billion believers.
People who refuse to believe that they are being led by the blind, who refuse to awaken to the truth.

When they will, they’ll become aware of their immortality. They’ll become aware of the Energy, of the Infinite Creative Potential dwelling within them.
When they do, miracles will be theirs to perform.
They will metamorphose the omnipresent energy in ways to enhance the phenomenal Universe. They will multiply the beauty which already permeates our reality.
They will realize that they are gods.
They will finally realize that the phenomenal world perceived by our senses is not real. They will finally accept that you and I, and every single reader of this tirade, are, always were, and always will be ONE: tiny, yet infinitely powerful drops, in an eternal, Ocean of Creative Energy.

Let me know if you enjoyed the novel or, better still, say so on Amazon… Reviews are gratefully appreciated. Everywhere. 

An intuitive sequel to
Memoir of Missing Years of Jesus


  1. Paul’s ‘awakening’ took place on the road to Damascus. Most people seem to forget that the moment of awakening is only the first step, not the final destination.

  2. Sometimes it seems that Paul forgot that man (generically speaking), and only man, was created in the image of God. Not a church nor any other organization. And the image is NOT physical. Only a Few discover it within themselves.
