Friday 22 December 2023


This is probably the most indulgent statement in the Bible. It suggests that a fair number of people might hear the “call”, and, hopefully, will fulfill the missions to which they have been called.

      Not so.

      I strongly suspect the statement has been so worded in order not to discourage the “many” from at least trying. In fact, history draws a different picture. Around 800 B.C. a man named Isaiah, reputedly a Jewish prophet who foretold the Messiah's coming, brought hope not only for the nation of Israel, but also for all of us (Google Oct.6, 2021). 

      He made a momentous statement which, in spite of it's prophetic importance, had been promptly, and ever since ignored, not only by the Jews, but by all religions originating from the Jewish root.  This applies to all religious sects springing from Christianity, including Catholicism, Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Anglicanism, Oriental Orthodoxy, and Assyrians, as well as Muslim derivative. And the momentous statement was:


Yet, all the sects originating from Judaism much preferred to define us as sinners, over whom the leaders of all those sects had strict control by dangling the threat of eternal hell with the accompanying suffering in front of our noses. Imagine: they preached and continue to preach a God of infinite goodness who sentences his beloved children to eternal suffering. I couldn't imagine a more sadistic monster than their image of "God". Yet instilling abject fear in people was the only way the leaders of religions could think of to maintain control over their followers. And followers their needed to control their followers.

     For as long as we imagine a "God" constructed in our image and likeness, thinking as we do with our primitive minds, fueled by our immature emotions, the very concept of God is meaningless. Hence, only the "FEW" perceived the truth. According to Baruch Spinoza, to define God is to deny God. Yet he offered the following statement: 

"God is the one infinite substance who possesses an infinite number of attributes each expressing an eternal aspect of his/her nature."

For reasons known only to Spinoza, he appeared to have allotted "God" a hermaphroditic nature. To help you accept this concept, I should add that Abert Einstein, often regarded as an atheist, publicly stated that he believed in the God of Spinoza. 

     Since our scientists have fairly recently announced that "ALL IS ENERGY", I'd like to take us a step further. My contemplation suggest that we might, if not should, refer to as God as:

Omnipresent Creative Energy of 


     My offering removes all definitions that might limit the creative power of the omnipresent creative energy. It also removes any characteristics that religions assign to God to equate Him/Her with human characteristics. It even removes Spinoza's concept of "substance", and substitutes the concept of energy that, in this and only om this case, vibrates at an infinite frequency, hence making it omnipresent. This characteristics appears to endow Its nature with the need to seek a phenomenal expression, which, though transient and thus illusive, manifests its presence in increasing complex forms endowed with slower frequencies of vibration. 

      Hence ALL IS ENERGY, manifesting in ever-increasing forms of expression. This explains the eternal evolution, which attempts to express the infinite potential inherent in the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness in phenomenal form. As no part of can express the whole, the evolutionary process is eternal. Thereafter, only by reducing the frequency of vibration of phenomenal elements  we can create characteristics of an illusive reality, in which we experience our becoming. Our awareness of this process enables us, who are endowed with brains capable of producing the creative energy of thoughts, to contribute to the ever-expanding diversity of the phenomenal universe. Hence to eternal expansion of the phenomenal universe. 


Back to square one!

This ability to generate creative energies of thoughts which contribute to the diversity of the phenomenal reality is what presumably enabled Isaiah to define us as Gods. Indeed, if we erase all the human characteristics which our religions have assigned to our imaginary deity which they have accepted as "God", we are left with but two aspects that explain the reality in which we live. 

      The Creative Energy of Consciousness seems to exhibit only two principle energies. The first is THE CENTRIPETAL, and the second manifests as CENTRIFUGAL ENERGY. The first  assures singularity of both the source and the phenomenal universe, or what the religions called "one god", and the second manifests as continuous expansion of creation.

      The Centripetal Energy also lies at the root of what  manifests in conscious beings as love. The second, of course, accounts for virtually infinite diversity. Together, these two account for the singularity and expansion of the phenomenal universe. We must never forget that ALL phenomenal reality comes from a single, though omnipresent Source. As such, one might say that we are all related.







Throughout history, we appear to have been compelled to create gods, mostly in our image an likeness. And, I dare to suggest, not without reason. Not because of our inherent talents, or even potential, but only due to Aristotle (Aristotélēs; 384–322 BCE) who, some not only claimed that the Universe is eternal, but that it is comparative to the  world we are experiencing now. This would be quite unacceptable to our illustrious scientists if it weren't for Albert Einstein's concept of time. In addition I might add that the Universe is not a place, or an near infinite number of  balls of dust spinning in wild abandon, but a concept. A method of converting omnipresent creative energy into a phenomenal reality.

Wednesday 25 October 2023


Few of us seem to realize, let alone accept, that we, as symbolically portrayed by Adam and Eve, were the only animals kicked out of Eden, out of Paradise. We have chosen to go on our own. We have reached the evolutionary level wherein we (presumably) thought that the energy of knowledge is more powerful than the energy of life.

How do they differ?
The energy of life sustains our immortality. Not our bodies but our I AM. It tolerates changes without sustaining injury. It cannot be destroyed or eliminated from the equation of the Phenomenal Reality. Knowledge, on the other hand, is in a state of continuous change. Whatever we conclude as fact, as the very latest discoveries, all of them are replaced by new observations, new calculations, that lead to new theories which continuously replace the old ones.

Regrettably, our inability to remain humble and to submit to the Energy that created us, to the Energy that evolved us, led, and continues to lead our evolution. And yet our weakness was, and is, necessary.
Because, at least according to our ancient prophets, "God cannot behold evil". Evil, in this sense, implies "imperfection", and in the Phenomenal Universe, perfection is the direction, not an accomplished fact. The Creative Energy we normally refer to as God has this one limitation. And yet, evolution can only proceed by trying out new ideas, new "things," new rates of vibration of the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness.
Even though our ancient solons better understood what Albert Einstein called the "Thoughts of God", i.e. how the Phenomenal Universe works, we have to go even further back to the Buddhists to learn more.

Essentially, for as long as we measure God in our image and likeness, we shall continue to regress. The Buddhists came closest to understanding the nature of the Phenomenal Reality. H.P. Blavatsky did her best to explain its intricacies in her book Esoteric Buddhism (1). Without delving into the intricacies of the powers assigned to various personifications of God, the Buddhists were aware of the Creative, Sustaining, and Destructive powers personified in their pantheon.
And this is where the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden takes on a new meaning. Both our symbolic progenitors lost the power to sustain and even destroy the world which they regarded as real. They gained, however, and developed their Creative abilities. Creation implies change as new concepts come into being. The concepts may be good or bad, yet necessary for only a brief period of infinity to sustain the Phenomenal Reality. Yet such imperfect ideas/objects/energies cannot come from the Source, which, while being perfect in the Potential sense, might not sustain this perfection in the Phenomenal, hence Illusory Universe.
Hence, even the mistakes we humans make may well be the necessary stepping stones in the conversion of the Perfect Potential into the transient Phenomenal Reality. Into the Universe in which we, the henchmen (and "hench-women," of course) of Creative Power, are sine qua non for the experimental aspect of Creation.


That is our function. Tomorrow, I shall discuss the countless aspects of our contribution. In the meantime, you might enjoy reading how the Creative Energy continues to endow us with our ability to assist It in adding to the diversity of the Phenomenal Universe. The AVATAR dwells within every one of us. Deep within, biding IT's time to emerge.


(1) "Esoteric Buddhism" and "Isis Unveiled" are the two main books by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky dealing with this subject. 



Thursday 11 August 2022


 (This is to be added to the "Thoughts of God" 
already published on Amazon.)

There are only two aspects to our reality. The Potential and the Manifested. The Potential is the infinite, omnipresent, energy, vibrating at infinite frequency of the Creative Consciousness. The Manifested is the Phenomenal Universe which is perceptible to our (as yet primitive) senses, which, in turn, is in constant metamorphosis, resulting from the Creative Consciousness’s search for perfection extant in the Potential. 

This search consists of metamorphosing the infinite frequency of vibration of the Original Potential Energy to lower frequencies, and thus creating diversity of expression extant in its potential form, i.e.: in the Original Energy of the Omnipresent Consciousness. This metamorphosis is a progressive process, most probably starting with the energy extant in the Omnipresent Mind (which appears to be a trait inherent or intrinsic to the Energy of the Creative Consciousness), and responds to the dictates of the Creative impulse, or nature of the Original Energy.

This appears to produce energies of light and sound, which in turn reduce the frequencies of vibration further until they become perceptible to our senses as our Phenomenal Universe.    There are many forms of light energy, the kinetic forms being visible to human eye, and can be measured in angstrom and nanometers, hertz and electron volts (eV). Light, in turns, effect other forms of energy in the eternal process of metamorphosis.


There is one other means of adding diversity to the Phenomenal Universe. The creative impulse of Creative Consciousness has evolved a means which can generate its own creative energies. Such means is the human brain which can generate energies of creative thoughts. Those, in turn, contribute to producing new frequencies which are beyond the scope of the Omnipresent Energy. The reason is that the Energy of Omnipresent Consciousness can only produce perfect forms, hence limiting Its ability to produce added diversity. The human brain can generate energies which, though imperfect, they might be amenable to improvement and thus add to the diversity. Those energies that are not suitable, are, in time, accelerated to original frequencies in the hearts of Black Holes. Once accelerated, they are returned to the omnipresent Potential base from which all energies are emitted.


This thesis explains not only the continuous creative process but the expansion of the Phenomenal Universe. What we must accept that this process takes place in the eternal present. 

In addition, we must accept that every single drop in the ocean bears the characteristics of the whole ocean. Hence, through the presence of the Consciousness of Higher Self (the individualization of the Omnipresent Consciousness) in every single one of us, we each reflect the totality of the Phenomenal Universe in the state of our Consciousness. In this sense we, within the omnipresence of our Consciousness, are the whole universe. Not in the phenomenal but in the Potential sense. As such, to quote ancient prophets, we are gods. The ‘godhood’ within us is defined by absolute unification of our Higher Self with the Ego consciousness. This union allows us to perform “miracles” by manipulating the frequencies of vibrations of energies of the Phenomenal Universe.


This maxim has been asserted by Yeshûa (later known as Jesus) in the saying “I and my Father are one.” As we shall be when we achieve this union of consciousness. After all, we now know that ALL IS ENERGY, and the original energy is the Omnipresent Energy of the Creative Consciousness vibrating at infinite frequency. As such it exists beyond the limitations of time or space.

Good luck!


Monday 25 July 2022


Yesterday, on a day too hot for outdoor activities, I watched an ancient episode of Star Trek, named "Errand of Mercy". In it, the Star Trek officers had the privilege of meeting people, whom Mr. Spock (the first officer of the Starship Enterprise) described as being as advanced over us, as we are over an amoeba.
    The reason for this evolutionary leap was that the unknown human species were beings of pure energy, energy of thought, which could manifest in any phenomenal form they chose. A process they could reverse making themselves indestructible. The Startrek officers were completely unable to understand the concept of indestructibility. As, surely, most of us still are, unable to accept that we are all pure energy, at very low frequency of vibration. 

    Of course, most of us, yes, today, are also still unable to understand that only when we accelerate the frequencies of vibration of the constituent energies of our bodies we become indestructible. This entails converting our bodies to the frequencies of the energy of thought.

    Not an easy proposition. 
    Some mystics could do it. Not many others...
    Needless to say, such phenomenal constructs were incomprehensible to the "advanced" species of the Star Trek officers. One can but wonder why. After all isn’t this exactly what Padre Pio of Pietrelcina did on a number of occasions? It is called bilocation — being in two places at the same time. A number of people of Christian, Buddhist and Hindu persuasion could do likewise. 
    This ability has since been proven, to a degree, as possible by our primitive science. Our scientists call this quantum superposition. The question remains what happens to one atom if the other atom is destroyed. I'd suggest that as bilocation can only take place when the frequencies of the energy are raised to infinity, they both become equally as indestructible. 

    Soon we shall see.


There are many paths leading to a higher level of consciousness. Higher level simply means raising the energy of our 'artificial' consciousness to a higher frequency of vibration. By 'artificial' I mean generated by our biological computer we know as brain and endocrine system. Thoughts powered by emotions can manifest infinite possibilities.
    I'd suggest that Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein and Richard Feynman would agree with my supposition. If only they were still alive...
    I hope you do, too. Agree. And... stay alive.

One such paths had been chosen by Winston, a character after whom my trilogy was named. You might choose his way or any of countless other ways. But be sure that when you learn to metamorphose the frequencies of the energies of which your body is made, you'll feel divine power stirring in your veins.

    Good luck.

Please, let me know what you think. 


Monday 18 July 2022


    During this present Age of Aquarius, many will learn to use the magnificent healing and other powers that heretofore have been dormant within us and have been manifested only by the few. Mental and emotional acceptance of this fact is a prerequisite to gaining access to them.
    Remember, your thoughts create your reality.

    Good luck.  


Every single fragment of life, every spec of flora and fauna, comes from the same source. We know from science that all is energy, and only an Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness defined by an infinite frequency of vibration could manipulate Its own frequencies sufficiently to offer the diversity of life we now witness throughout our earth through the oceans and even in the air. Infinite frequencies exist beyond the confines of time and space. Being omnipresent and eternal Creative Energy of Consciousness makes Its presence known within everyone one of us. Within every creature, that enhances our reality on Earth. Yet, no matter how transient, it harbours a spark of infinity within itself.

    Some people call this energy — God.

    Collateral yet integral to Omnipresent Consciousness is the Omnipresent Mind. The Omnipresent Mind enables Consciousness to manipulate Its own frequencies of vibration into an infinitely diverse number of lower frequencies, creating the phenomenal elements of the plethora of our nature. Phenomenal elements are always transient yet necessary to increase and enhance the diversity of the Phenomenal Universe.
This is the nature of the Source of all becoming.
    Consciousness is in a continuous process of converting Its infinite Potential into Phenomenal forms. Transient, imperfect, yet on the eternal journey towards perfection. And this is in spite of the fact that in Its phenomenal form, It can be but a shadow of the Potential whence it came. Only Infinite Frequencies of Energy can have their being beyond time and space.

    This process differs diametrically from the human concept of perfection because it is non-judgemental. It recognizes neither good nor evil. It seems to confine Its creative impulse to reducing Its infinite frequencies of vibration to an infinite number of lower frequencies and thus enhance the Phenomenal Universe by creating the affluence of diversity.


    So... where do we come in?

    An ancient prophet of the 7th century BC, named Habakkuk, had said that ("God's eyes") "are too pure to behold evil, and thou canst not look on iniquity." Hence, in order to assure the evolution of diversity in the Phenomenal Universe, the Original Consciousness devised (or evolved) units of artificial intelligence which could make mistakes (to be imperfect hence "evil"), and could deal with imperfections, which might, nevertheless, in the infinity of time, be improved. This Artificial Intelligence could generate thoughts that could influence the mind's creative energy and provide added diversity.

    This is what we, humans, do.

    While our phenomenal enclosures (bodies) are imperfect, they already have magnificent self-healing abilities. When approached from the point of view of the Higher Self and Omnipresent Mind, we can aspire to manipulate the frequencies of vibration of energy with the creative power of thoughts generated by our biological computer we know as the brain. Our mind can mimic the Omnipresent Mind that created us and the phenomenal reality, the Universe.


Billions of years before we evolved into the complexity and creative abilities of the magnificent human body we now enjoy, we have gone through countless lower evolutionary forms, such as Cats or dogs, or even, possibly, through artificial quasi-life forms created by more advanced aliens. Never forget that all animals are channels through which Omnipresent Creative Energy seeks to enhance and diversify the Phenomenal Universe. Even for a short while.

A few million years or so...
Well, perhaps a little longer.

Let me know what you think. In writing. On Amazon?
Thank you.


Which cover to you prefer? 
My cats like the top one, the dogs... you decide.
You'll find them on


Tuesday 28 June 2022


It is becoming abundantly clear that two forces are fighting for hegemony in our social and political structures. On one side is the group that defines our phenomenal i.e. physical nature, represented by the billionaires and their henchmen: the (corrupt) members of governments of the world (by those wielding power) that are desperately fighting for the survival of the present world structure. We must never forget that ALL wars, political demands and military interventions are ALWAYS initiated by the governments (and their masters) usually for economical reasons.

On the other side, the second group, the people, the masses of us who are beginning to awaken to the incredible forces dormant within us which make the present structure of "phenomenal specialists" (experts in every phenomenal field) completely redundant. The forces fulminate within us will make any supervision of "experts" obsolete. We shall become aware of powers, within us, that previously have been identified as mystical if not divine.

If you are interested in the subject of fundamental change in the world structure, I suggest you read my books displayed below. While is it still speculative, the future it defines is already manifesting itself in the world. Enjoy, and, please, never forget that the powers are within you. Within every single one of us. 


In CONCLUSIONS—Pragmatic Reality I respond to the arguments raised in DELUSIONS—Pragmatic Realism, leaving no questions unanswered.

In addition, I endeavor to advance compelling arguments for saving our civilization and point out the direction that we ought to take in order to revert the present decline in the evolution of Homo Sapiens.
    The book achieves this by uniting the ancient knowledge with the very latest scientific discoveries. Physics and Metaphysics blend into a single philosophy that advances the potential inherent in human beings.

In paperbacks or ebooks. 
Please, don't forget brief reviews.
